COERR Kanchanaburi regularly supported the Pastoral Program in Ban Tham Hin camp in Rachaburi Province and Ban Don Yang camp in Kanchanaburi Province. Regular activities are performing Mass at Catholic Church, supporting the Sunday Schools and the visits of Peace Committee to churches and communities for unity and strengthening relationship among faithful and community members.
The Holy Mass was organized on August 19th at Ban Tham Hin Catholic Church in which there were 101 faithful participants including 59 female and 42 male. Later, the Mass was organized in Ban Don Yang on September 11th in which 100 faithful of 70 female and 30 male participating. Another Holy Mass was organized on October 14th at Ban Tham Hin in which 250 faithful consisting of 140 female and 110 male participating.
As October is the Month of the Rosary, in October 2018, Pope Francis invited all the faithful worldwide to pray the Holy Rosary every day. The Catholic refugees in Ban Tham Hin and Ban Don Yang camp also gathered and pray in church and also paid home visits to pray the Rosary with the family of the sick.

Mass Celebration in Ban Tham Hin Church

Mass Celebration in Ban Don Yang Church
The Sunday schools, led by catechists, continued in both camps every Sunday during 09.00-10.00 Hours. In Ban Tham Hin there were 42 students including 20 female and 22 male. In Ban Don Yang there were 27 students consisting of 14 female and 13 male youth.
After class, youth usually visit the elderly sick to sing and pray with them. Regarding Peace, the World Peace Day was celebrated in camps on September 19th and 21st with hundreds of participants

World Peace Day was celebrated by NGOs including COERR and camp committee on September 21, 2018 with 500 participants in Ban Tham Hin Camp.